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  • 优秀作文
  • 2023-09-25

雾霾的危害英语作文?灰霾天气成为健康杀手Exposure to *** og is severe hazard 雾霾天气,造成城市里大面积低能见度的情况.在早上或夜间相对湿度较大的时候,形成的是雾;在白天气温上升、那么,雾霾的危害英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


雾霾,在丛物生活中,已经很常见了。下渗顷液面给大家分享一些雾霾英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。


Today, we have a health class. The main content is the harm of haze.

We watched a movie called "the harm of haze", which mainly explained howterrible haze is.

Haze passed through our bodies, just like games. It comes to the bloodvessel first, let the partners block the blood vessel together, so our bloodpressure will rise; it also has a partner who is less than 0.5cm and has a knifein both hands, and can directly pass through the blood vessel; it comes to theinternal organs, which are like a tree, and there is white fat like a giant,which can directly eat the dirty things. However, we have iron ore in our body.If we eat too much white fat, we will die. This is a blood station! So theresistance of man has decreased. It's finally at the center - the heart, becausewe just blocked your blood vessels, so your heart will cause myocardialischemia. "Tremble! Human beings! I'm in every breath of yours, "cried haze.

Haze has a great influence on us. With haze, we can't play in theplayground, can't have physical education class, and we need to wear a littleannoying mask. Therefore, we should protect the environment and nature. As longas you start little by little, you will be able to achieve the results youwant.


Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part ofChina.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So itis necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out theresolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are asfollows ,first,china '乎迹s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluationfactors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system hasdefects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning outproducts according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsoleteequipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.

Third,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up sothat people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy asmuch as possible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more andmore on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the hazeweather

To settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.First,we should strengthen air monitor to lower the levels of small particulatepollutants.Second,we should enact more strict laws and regulations and keepperfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people 'sdaily action and the industrial production and punish those factories thatignore the protection and keep emitting dangerous material that cause haze.

Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower theemission of haze and improve air quality.As far as i am concerned ,if we worktogether to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better andbetter and haze weather will vanish completely.


It is reported that thick fog and haze surround many parts of China. Peoplehave to wear masks when they go out.As air pollution is getting increasinglyworse,it has become the main concern of people.

Air pollution can have serious consequences for human’s health and alsoseverely affects natural ecosystems. Millions of people die of illnesses relatedto air pollution every year.Due to particles from exhaust emissions,green houseeffects result in warmer weather,acid rains corrode the earth,and frequent hazecauses traffic problems.

Confronted with such situation,positive measures should be adopted. Thegovernment should keep its regulatory role for properly supervision. Relatedrules should be made out for reducing emissions of new vehicles and limitinghigh-emission vehicles.Factories should meet standards for curbing emissions ofpollutants in surrounding cities.Meanwhile, provinces and municipalities in eachtarget region should set up a mechanism for the joint prevention and control ofair pollution.


Since the development of the technology, the society gets modernized,people make use of the high technology to pursue more profit. Though thegovernment has noticed the problem that people do to the environment, they stillcan’t prevent negative result that the polluted environment brings.

Many years ago, the most prominent problem of the polluted environment isthat the river and the water were changed their color, some fish even died forthe polluted river. Now the situation becomes ever worse, lately, in the bigcity, like Beijing and Shanghai, people are annoyed by the bad weather. It isnot the rainy day, but the haze around the sky, there is no way for people torun away for it. The haze contains toxic elements, people breathe it and hurttheir bodies.

The haze problem is the result of people’s pursuit for the profit, whatpeople did to the environment now has been paid back by the environment. Nowpeople have realized the revenge from the nature is so huge, protecting theenvironment is the main task. No matter how bad the environment is, people stillneed to do something to fix their mistake.


As the saying goes "qiu dong smog knife to kill". We can see and catch"smog" actually have bigger influence on the body, especially the high incidenceof respiratory and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the elderlygroup.

1. The effects on the respiratory system. Haze composition is verycomplicated, including hundreds of atmospheric chemistry particulate matter.Which is bad for your health mainly aerosol particles less than 10 microns indiameter, such as mineral particles, sea salt, sulfate, nitrate, organic aerosolparticles, fuel and car exhaust, etc, it can directly enter and adhesion in thehuman respiratory tract and alveoli. Especially the submicron particles aredeposited on upper and lower respiratory tract and alveolar, causes the diseasesuch as the acute rhinitis and acute bronchitis. For obstructive bronchusasthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic respiratory diseases such aschronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, haze weather can make theillness acute or acute exacerbation. If this kind of environment will cause lungcancer for a long time.

2. The effects on the cardiovascular system. Haze weather pollutants in theair, air pressure is low, easy to induce acute cardiovascular disease. Such asheavy fog, the moisture content is very high, if people in outdoor activitiesand sports, the body's sweat is not easy to discharge, cause people bosomfrowsty, increased blood pressure.

3. The fog haze weather can also result in close formation ultravioletweakened, activity of the infectious pathogen in the air, increase of infectiousdiseases.

4. Reduce because of the fog the sun, ultraviolet irradiation in childrenis insufficient, inadequate vitamin D in the body to generate, the absorption ofcalcium significantly reduce, serious can cause rickets in infants, children'sgrowth to slow down.

5. Affect mental health. Heavy fog weather depression, due to weak lightand easy to let a person produce mental laziness, depression, and pessimism,encounter something goes wrong and even easier to spin out of control.

6. Affect the traffic safety. Low vision in haze weather, visibility, airquality is poor, easy to cause traffic jams, traffic accidents.















about protect Beijing's environment i breathe in some poisonous element from bad air when I'm walking to school in the street. sometimes maybe we can't realized how bad the weather and what bad air in our life. I think that Chinese have too much cars in their families and bad gas out of their cars. another problem from some factory, they make some bad *** og from chimney and our fresh air bee less and less.


Everybody likes to make a difference, so that they can be remembered. Being the spot can make people feel the sense of pride. But I don’t like to be somebody, I just want to be nobody. I can do whatever I want and without other people’s expectation, I feel no pressure. I am enjoying the quiet life, I take every moment and live my life.My grandparents have a dog, they have raised him for two years. It has yellow fur, so I call him little Yellow. Little Yellow recognizes me, because when I e to visit my grandparents, he won’t shout at me, he will lie down and swing his tail, letting me to touch him. I like him so much, I will give him a lot of bones to eat.


During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by *** og for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by *** og.

The *** og in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The carssend off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already seriousair pollution.

In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited.We should call on the people to use more public transport. Only in this way canwe expect to have more sunny days.


Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your concern.Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog.Everything around disappeared from oursight.Some highways were closed.Traffic jams were monly seen in the streets.Many people,especially children and seniors,even found it difficult to breathe.As a result,local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs.Part of the cause was the dry weather,but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.Personally I didn’t get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment.To live a better life we have to push on with the economy,but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.Regards!


Li Hua


Beijing's air pollution reached dangerous levels yet again on Sunday, marking the third consecutive day of severe *** og, municipal environmental authorities said。


First,the impact on the respiratory system;

Second,effects on the cardiovascular system;

Third,haze weather also can lead to formation of ultraviolet weakened near,Increasing the activity of the infectious pathogen in the air,and increasing the infectious diseases;

Tourth,because of the fog lack,Children lack of ultraviolet irradiation,Vitamin D production decreases,the absorption of calcium also decreases, if Serious it can also cause rickets in infants,leading to children's growth to slow down;

Fifth,affect mental health;

Sixth,influence of traffic safety




Recently, the weather in Beijing is always foggy, the morning, the surrounding beautiful scenery has bee very vague, the news is also frequently reported haze hail weather and the emergence of serious consequences, haze weather has been serious Affecting the quality of the air in the north, affecting people's normal life. Especially in Beijing, haze weather almost every day. In recent years, the haze weather not only seriously affected the quality of the air, it is easy to cause asthma and other diseases, the main source of the disease. Fog haze weather in the air, contains some dust-like tiny particles, these tiny particles that we can not see with the naked eye. These tiny particles are enough to make people get lung disease. They can be regarded as invisible killer.

So, what is the haze of the weather caused by it? In fact, the haze weather is from the car tail, cooking fumes, as well as *** oking spit out the *** oke, fireworks *** oke formation, which led to the emergence of haze weather. Do not say fog haze weather is a killer, not to mention fog haze weather is terrible, in fact, the real murderer or our human beings, human beings do not know how to protect the environment, is to destroy their own homes, so it caused haze weather, these are Is the human self-eating fruit. Of course, the situation is still irreversible, we can still stop the haze weather. We can put the car into a bike; can not eat cooking, eat stew; you can quit *** oking or cigarette *** oke can still *** oke the cigarette butts; can be less fireworks; can also plant a variety of flowers and trees, to purify the environment The Only we choose low-carbon life, in order to prevent the occurrence of haze weather. Sometimes, I wish that the car is not sprayed out of the unpleasant exhaust, but a touch of fragrance, chimneys spit out is not thick black *** oke, but crystal dew.

I hope that our home can bee more green trees, more red flowers, birds singing more beautiful, more melodious. I believe that only we can act from their own, our dreams will bee a reality, let us all work together to protect the environment, to defend our homes, so that haze weather is no longer harm the world, so that our homes better The


This weekend is haze weather, visibility less than 100 meters. Whether it is vehicles or pedestrians, are groping forward. No laughter, no birds, even the buildings only vague outline. And we can only stay at home, can not go out. Haze is silently enveloped the entire Hangzhou city.

Haze haze weather not only seriously affected the quality of the air, it is easy to cause a variety of diseases. Recently reported continuously, due to the inhalation of haze, Hangzhou, the major hospitals outpatient overcrowding. So what is the haze of the weather?

Today 's China, large and *** all factories, are erected long chimney, emitting a thick *** oke. Is the *** oke, carrying *** all dust, has bee the main force of manufacturing haze. At the same time, the exhaust emissions of cars, the New Year when the fireworks and firecrackers have bee "acplice", which led to the emergence of haze weather.

In order to reduce the haze weather, living in Hangzhou, every resident, should establish a "haze, everyone is responsible" awareness, take the initiative to improve the air quality of the active participants. Here, I would like to make the following suggestions:

1. Travel as much as possible by bus or bike, reduce the rate of travel, reduce motor vehicle emissions.

2. Spring Festival is ing soon, we should be civilized Spring Festival. Less or do not put fireworks, to create a safe, healthy, environmentally friendly Spring Festival.

3. Reform of eating habits, *** of urban open-air barbecue, the implementation of low fumes, low pollution, low energy consumption diet.

4. Classification recycling, recycling, do not throw waste batteries and other hazardous waste, the garbage will be classified, so that the use of resources for the benefit of mankind.

5. A variety of green, fresh air. In the home of the balcony or the corridor of the district placed in some *** all potted plants, both beautiful and clean air.

For our home, for our health, let us act together, and fog haze weather to fight in the end!


Recently, the serious haze is always wrapped around the city of Hangzhou, every morning, open the window, full house will be filled with foul, making the throat itch, a kind of unspeakable sad.

Hangzhou fog haze "lock" city, most areas less than 200 meters visibility. Affected by the haze, the city into a serious air pollution among the city's seven monitoring points are in the "serious pollution" state. In Hangzhou, although the sun is empty, but the building seems to have covered a layer of gauze. Every day a door to feel the air dry, gray sky, like flying dust flying. Because Hangzhou ground humidity, wind speed is *** all, is not conducive to the dissipation of haze, so haze days lasted for a long time. Environmental protection department gives travel advice is "cancel unnecessary outdoor activities". So that our mood is not very good.

This haze, because the human does not protect the environment, chaos row of industrial waste water, making the original clear creek, the river bees turbid, no longer have lovely fish in the water cheerfully wandering; felling trees, Drastically reduced, large areas of the forest into the desert, it is difficult to resist the sand, how serious it is ah!

The streets are sparsely populated, few people, and few cars. Out of the people all "armed", wearing a mask, around the scarf, wearing a hat, wearing gloves. Persistent haze weather makes many people suffering from respiratory diseases, mostly elderly and children. Hospital in the sea, pediatric door packed with hundreds of children, this scene, parable to "Spring Festival". According to statistics, in recent days the number of admissions, nearly half of patients with respiratory disease, clinical manifestations of the majority of fever, cough, runny nose, and upper respiratory tract disease, bronchitis, bronchial pneumonia, asthmatic pneumonia up. Respiratory disease patients this year pared with the same period last year, the number increased by three percent.

According to the relevant departments of the *** ysis, the haze weather is mainly due to the recent adverse weather conditions, the pollutants are not easy to spread and the amount of coal in winter caused by poor air quality. Long-term destruction of ecology is also the main cause of bad weather. So, we must protect the environment, do not continue to pollute. Our earth has now bee full of holes, and we do not destroy it!

The haze days to the people's lives has brought great inconvenience and harm. In order to prevent the haze brought the harm, we should pay attention to these points: 1, go out with a mask 2, drink light drink plenty of water 3, fog haze less window 4, the amount of vitamin D. So that we can fight with the ruthless haze!



During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The cars send off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already serious air pollution.

In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited. We should call on the people to use more public transport. Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days.


Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,china 's air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.

Third,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as possible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the haze weatherTo settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.First ,we should strengthen air monitor to lower the levels of small particulate pollutants.Second,we should enact more strict laws and regulations and keep perfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people 's daily action and the industrial production and punish those factories that ignore the protection and keep emitting dangerous material that cause haze. Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower the emission of haze and improve air quality.As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.


Since the winter last year,the haze has occurred a lot of times.Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations. Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.

it has done great harm to our daily life.many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy haze weather,more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the haze,quite a lot of flights have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the haze.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather.the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground.Also we should plant more trees.One of effective solutions to help eliminate haze is to make some chemistry changes during the manufacturing process,so it could reduce harmful emissions which are produced by manufacturing operationsAccording to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere.in addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can.would you like to tell me some good ideas?i’m looking forward to your reply. We are all in this together! We shall survive and thrive together!

