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  • 优秀作文
  • 2023-08-31

英语作文顺序词?英语作文顺序连接词有Firstly(首先)、Secondly(其次)、Moreover(此外;再者)等。1、表示承接的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,what's more,again,on top of that,another,那么,英语作文顺序词?一起来了解一下吧。


无法直接回答是选择 "first" 还是 "last" 作为开头更好,因为这要取决于具体的情境和文章的主题。在写英语作文时,尽姿纳量让开头句子简洁明盯御了,并且很好的捕捉到主题。在某些情况下,使用 "first" 可以更好地引出文章的开端,例如在一篇回顾历史的文章中:

First, the discovery of fire was a major milestone in human civilization.

而在一些其他场合,使用 "last" 在文章开头也很恰当,例如在探讨一个议论的时候:

Last, but not least, it's important to acknowledge the positive impact that this policy will have on our economy.

综上所述,选择使用 "first" 还是 "last" 作为你英语作文的迹则没第一句,要根据具体情境来考虑,在保证简洁明了的前提下,把文章的主题和重点表达清楚。


首先:first of all, firstly

其次:secondly, in addition(此外), what's more(此外)

最后: finally, lastly, last but not least

做总结(前三是用来引出观点): in a nutshell, in conclusion, therefore, hence


yet,however,nevertheless,in contrast (to),whereas

in spite of(despite),instead,on the contrary,even if(though),unlike,conversely.




Firstly, it should be acknowledged that education is one of the most powerful tools that helps people lead a better life. Secondly, it is important to recognize that education does not only equate to formal classroom learning, but also includes informal education obtained through life experiences. Lastly, it is crucial to understand that education is an investment in oneself that yields numerous benefits such as improved career prospects, personal growth, and the ability to positively impact society. With these factors in mind, it is imperative that we prioritize education as a fundamental component of our lives.



in the first place;

first of all;

above all;

for one thing;


the next;


in the next place;


once again;


for the second time;




in the end。









1. 英语作文冲裂连接词有哪些


英语中常用的连接词1.表示罗列增加:First,second,third,First,then/next,afterthat/next,finallyForohing…foranother…,On(the)onehand…ontheotherhand,Besides/what' *** ore/inaddition/furthermore/moreover/another/also,Especially/Inparticular,2.表示时间顺序:now,atpresent,recently,after,afterwards,afterthat,afterawhile,inafewdays,atfirst,inthebeginning,tobeginwith,later,next,finally,immediately,soon,suddenly,allofasudden,atthatmoment,assoonas,themomentformnowon,fromthenon,atthesametime,meanwhile,till,not…until,before,after,when,while,asduring,3.表示解释说明圆冲:now,inaddition,forexample,forinstance,inthiscase,moreoverfurthermore,infact,actually4.表示转折关系:but,however,while,though,or,otherwise,onthecontrary,ontheotherhand,incontrast,despite,inspiteof,eventhough,except(for),instead,ofcourse,afterall,5.表示并列关系:or,and,also,too,notonly…butalso,aswellas,both…and,either…or,neither…nor,for6.

2. 英语作橘判歼文80个词

My Classroom I am in Class Two, Grade Six. The classroom is very beautiful. My classroom has a TV, four fans, eight lamps and a bookcase. I like this bookcase. It is big and there are lots of books on it. I like it very much. 和 get up at 6 o'clock.I go to school at 6:40.The school day starts at 7:30.My lesson begins at 8 o'clock.After class,I often play with my friends.I have lunch at 12 o'clock.At lunchtime ,I like chatting with my friends.School is over, I go home at xx .写得一般般,请不要见怪. First Day of School The first day of school has the biggest impact on the way a person will eventually turn out in the future. If, on your first day, you look “cool” and people see you as cool, then you'll be popular, but if you start off your day by crying and vomiting, then people will avoid you no matter how nice or generous you are to them. Why crying you ask? Crying because this isn't any first day of school. It's the first day of kindergarten. In the end of summer 1992, I got into the *** all enclosed room of a new and unknown world that my mother called school. On first arrival, I was scared to see children my age with their parents. I lived on a street where most of my neighbours were relatively older people. I only had a friend that was near my age and we played together all the time, but sadly, he wasn't in St-Lawrence with me. Now, standing with my mother just like the rest of the kids, I saw some parents leave. They left their children there to play. My mother looked at me and said “I'm going to go now. I will be back before you have to leave. Don't worry everyone is very nice here.” and gave me a peck on the cheek. I looked at her with big eyes and a confused glare, wondering “Why are all of us here at school?” She slowly walked away, turning back a few times to check if I started to mingle with the other kids. I stood still and looked around the room. None of the children were playing. They were only trying to keep their parents from leaving them. I observed one of the children who started to cry and turn red in the face. He yelled and pounded on his father's legs. I saw a table with crayons and paper and I just walked towards it and stood beside the miniscule seat watching to see if anyone was going to stop me from drawing. No one came so I took a seat, a piece of paper and of course the green coloring pencil just like the one that I had at home. When other kids saw me already hard at work with my drawing that appeared to look like a vortex, they came and sat down with me. Even that child who was hitting his father saw me and decided that school wasn't as bad as he thought. Since that day, I made a lot of friends with whom I still talk to. For example, Justin who was the father-pounding kid and Emily the sweet little innocent girl of my class. Every couple years or so, we have a reunion to see how everybody is doing and if they changed. I like going and seeing them, mostly to remind them of how we all were in kindergarten and of course to see if they remember me. They usually do and tell me: “You're the guy that liked to draw.”。

以上就是英语作文顺序词的全部内容,1、首先 in the first place;first of all;above all;for one thing;2、其次 the next;secondly;in the next place;3、再次 once again;newly;for the second time;4、最后 ultimate;finally;in the end。
