
  • 四年级作文
  • 2024-10-04

造纸术英语作文?正文:There are four world famous inventions in China, one is gunpowder, the other is compass, the third is printing and the fourth is papermaking.我国有世界著名的四大发明,一是火药,二是指南针,三是印刷术,四是造纸术。那么,造纸术英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


l like my country very mnch.My motherland is very beautiful and great too.She has red soil,big mountains,She is mydearest country.



China is my motherland that is a great country. It has a long history of more than five thousand years. It’s one of the Four Great Ancient Civilized Nations in the world and it’s the only one that still exists. Therefore, there are many brilliant heritages leaving by our ancestors, such as paper-making, gunpowder, compass and so on.

Moreover, it’s a modern country now. In the past sixty years, China has greatly changed and is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. People’s life standards have been increasingly improved that no one could imagine before.



The four great inventions

Paper: paper is an important chemical processes, the invention of paper is Chinese in the spread of human culture and development make a valuable contribution, is China's chemical history of a major achievement.

The paper also before, oracle bones, bamboo slips and silk silk is used for writing, the ancient recorded material. But due to the rapid development of the economy, culture, bones and bamboo can not meet the demand of development, thus contributing to the improvement of writing tools. At that time people began using small silk made of paper, as the ancient Chinese when paper by hemp thread and silk, and preparation method of rough paper, so the quality is not so good. But the hemp thread and silk has its own role, to use them as a raw material for paper-making, would be greatly restricted, and difficult to get rapid development, to meet the cultural life of the requirement to paper.

In the new situation request, Cai Lun of Eastern Han Dynasty for the emergence of papermaking to bring new breakthrough in the Eastern Han Dynasty," views on" 2 records:" Cai Lun, talented, dedicated to cautious, every vacation, closed to the guest, aeration body field. Code for the sale, made with bark and spacious cloth, net to make paper. Xing Yuan first year playing, the emperor can, since is not used, the salty called Cai Hou paper". From above, Cai Lun is using bark, rags, net of papermaking. Although before Cai Lun also has a paper, but raw material itself is very limited, and Cai Lun on the new raw materials, to solve this problem. Because the rag, broken fishnet had already finished their task, a waste and used as a raw material for papermaking industry, which plays an important role.

Printing: is the working people in ancient China through long-term practice and research before the invention of. About the year before and after 600 years of Sui Dynasty, people from the engraved seal inspired, in the history of mankind's earliest invention of woodblock printing.

Woodblock printing is in a certain thickness of the smooth wood, paste copy neat manuscript, thin and almost transparent paper front and wood paste, the word became the body, strokes clear. Engraving workers graver in the suites have writing section is cut away, is a convex embossed font, and font recessed beneath the different steles. When printing, on a raised fonts with ink, and then the paper covering on top of it, gently wipe away the paper back, writing remain on the paper. By the Song Dynasty, woodblock printing career development to the heyday. Woodblock printing on the spread of culture play an important role, but also has obvious disadvantages. The first version, time-consuming material costs, second, a large number of books stored inconveniently, third, is not easy to correct mistakes.

The Northern Song Dynasty civilian inventor Bi Sheng invented movable-type printing, woodblock printing these drawbacks improvement. Bi Sheng's Dynasty of an ordinary civilian intellectuals, the person who. He summed up the block printing of rich experience in practice, after repeated tests, the emperor Renzong of evolution years (AD 10411048 ) made the moveable, execute typesetting printing, completed the printing history of a major revolution, about 200 years later, this technology spread to other countries, the development of world civilization process to promote the role of.

Gunpowder: is one of the four great inventions of china. Gunpowder, as the name suggests is the ( fire medicine ). Its origins and alchemy are closely related, Bachelor in ancient alchemy alchemy inadvertently material.

It is a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, carbon, and the top two in the Han Dynasty book into Chinese Materia Medica ( first classics of Shennong materia medica by ) have been listed as important medicinal herbs. Gunpowder itself is also come under the drug class, the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen ( compendium of Materia Medica ) said, gunpowder can cure sore ringworm, insecticidal, provide moisture and plague. The invention of gunpowder is a long-term alchemy pharmaceutical practice results, has been one thousand years of history.

The Tang Dynasty, gunpowder has been used for military. The Song Dynasty, the war continuously, promote the accelerated development of gunpowder weapons. The government of the Northern Song Dynasty established a powder mill, has made gunpowder arrow, artillery and other combustion properties mainly weapons and ( bang cannon ), ( lightning bombs ) and other explosive strong arms. The Southern Song Dynasty were created in 1259 to giant bamboo tube, built-in gunpowder ( sudden guns ). To the Yuan Dynasty and the emergence of bronze ( copper Fire Commission, known as the general). These are to gunpowder explosion as the driving force of arms, in the war revealed a hitherto unknown power.

In 12, thirteenth Century, the gunpowder first introduced in Arabia state, and then spread to Greece and Europe and around the world. On the civilization and progress of human society, the economy and the development of science and culture, played a role in promoting. The law until the middle of the fourteenth Century, only then has the application of gunpowder and firearms records.

Compass : the spring and Autumn period, Chinese working people in the mining, smelting, gradually recognized magnet. To the Warring States period, some people use magnets made apparatus to determine the direction, then called" compass", it is in a along the plate placed on a water scoop like magnet, water scoop handle end of South point. To the late Northern Song Dynasty ( Eleventh Century AD), the Chinese people have created artificial magnet, then created a" guide to the fish", the magnet." Fish" on the water surface, thus indicating the direction. Later, after repeated research and improvement, and the magnetic steel sheet into a small magnetic needle, and makes its tip into the magnetic north pole, end become the south magnetic pole, which became a compass. The Northern Song Dynasty, people create a suitable nautical compass, the maritime industry to a new era. During this period, China 's shipbuilding technology in the world the most advanced. At the beginning of the fourteenth Century, the compass was introduced into Europe from china.




There are four world famous inventions in China, one is gunpowder, the other is compass, the third is printing and the fourth is papermaking.


This makes our ancient China become an ancient civilization.


China's four great inventions have played an irreplaceable role in various fields of science and technology.


Gunpowder. Gunpowder was invented by us.



Compass,gunpowder,papermaking skill and typography,is China ancient four inventions,it is one of the signs that China become to the ancient civilized country,occupy the important position in the history of human civilization.


During the Eastern Han Dynasty palace eunuch director Cai Lun workshops,summed up the experience of forefathers,began to improve papermaking technology.With bark,hemp head,rag,soaked in water,after chopping,cooking pulp,and then filtered water,flat to dry,producing the famous Cai Hou paper.This paper thin,toughness,high durability,easy writing,can be mass production.


Cai Lun of the invention of papermaking and perfecting process,made enormous contribution,was later revered as the paper 's founder.The invention of papermaking,is one of the earliest effects of human knowledge propagation learning revolution,and our civilization began to write on the paper.


以上就是造纸术英语作文的全部内容,Compass,gunpowder,papermaking skill and typography,is China ancient four inventions,it is one of the signs that China become to the ancient civilized country,occupy the important position in the history of human civilization.罗盘、火药、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
