
  • 一年级作文
  • 2024-09-18

无家可归的人英语作文?以无家可归的人为题的作文可以写一下为什么会无家可归,以及自己在经历了无家可归之后的心情,当然肯定是伤心无助的,或者看到别人无家可归时你的感受 (注意一下自己的语法错误哦~当然要商量好彼此抄的哪一篇,那么,无家可归的人英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


Become familiar with community programsin your area that provide help.

When someone asks for help, you can direct that person to a program that will provide the help they need .

2. Do not assume that homeless persons are alike.

There are a number of circumstances that cause a person to become homeless. The shabby person on the street may be the stereotype, but the homeless person may be a woman fleeing a domestic violence situation with her children, someone who is working but unable to make enough to pay the rent, or someone living out of a car.

3. Talk to the person with respect.

Homeless people face isolation and scorn. It means a lot when someone addresses them in a civil, polite way.

4. Share the love.

Encourage the person with loving words and actions. You may be amazed at that person's faith in light of his or her circumstances.

5. Pray for them.

I have been amazed at how much homeless persons appreciate someone taking the time to listen to their concerns and pray with them.

6. Consider carefully before giving cash.

It is often easier to give cash to a homeless person than to take the time to help with the person's actual needs. If someone says he needs money for food, it is better to buy food than to give cash. Cash may present a temptation to purchase drugs or alcohol, or it may even make the recipient a victim of crime.

7. Take precautions for your own safety.

While most homeless persons are not dangerous, there are some who may present a threat to you. You can let the person know in a courteous manner that you are taking precautions because you don't know him and that you expect him to respect your boundaries.

8. Support policies that help poor and homeless persons.

Many persons cannot afford housing because the cost of rent is beyond their income level. Often organizationswho try to help special populations run into opposition from community groups who say, "Not in my backyard!" You can advocate for more affordable housing for low-income workers and for facilities in your community that help persons who need housing and assistance because of domestic violence, mental illness, and addiction



come familiar with community programsin your area that provide help.

When someone asks for help, you can direct that person to a program that will provide the help they need .

2. Do not assume that homeless persons are alike.

There are a number of circumstances that cause a person to become homeless. The shabby person on the street may be the stereotype, but the homeless person may be a woman fleeing a domestic violence situation with her children, someone who is working but unable to make enough to pay the rent, or someone living out of a car.

3. Talk to the person with respect.

Homeless people face isolation and scorn. It means a lot when someone addresses them in a civil, polite way.

4. Share the love.

Encourage the person with loving words and actions. You may be amazed at that person's faith in light of his or her circumstances.

5. Pray for them.

I have been amazed at how much homeless persons appreciate someone taking the time to listen to their concerns and pray with them.

6. Consider carefully before giving cash.

It is often easier to give cash to a homeless person than to take the time to help with the person's actual needs. If someone says he needs money for food, it is better to buy food than to give cash. Cash may present a temptation to purchase drugs or alcohol, or it may even make the recipient a victim of crime.

7. Take precautions for your own safety.

While most homeless persons are not dangerous, there are some who may present a threat to you. You can let the person know in a courteous manner that you are taking precautions because you don't know him and that you expect him to respect your boundaries.

8. Support policies that help poor and homeless persons.

Many persons cannot afford housing because the cost of rent is beyond their income level. Often organizationswho try to help special populations run into opposition from community groups who say, "Not in my backyard!" You can advocate for more affordable housing for low-income workers and for facilities in your community that help persons who need housing and assistance because of domestic violence, mental illness, and addiction评论 | 给力0不给力0


Everyone should have a decent place to live, enjoy good health, and have something meaningful to do - and also have satisfying relationships.

So let us work together to house, support and care for vulnerable and excluded people who either have been, or are at risk of, sleeping rough and homelessness.

Our aim is to make sure that homeless and excluded people can improve their quality of life.

To achieve our aims, we should build up our core values which are:

Respect and ambition - we respect the life histories of homeless people, believe in their potential and will help them realise their ambitions

Excellence and creativity - we aim for excellent and creative solutions to the changing needs of homeless people

Equality and diversity - we are richer as a charity and as a society by valuing diversity and striving for equality of opportunity .

If you agree with us,please join us now to take care of those homeless people. We believe with your help the world will become better!


Last week our class had a class meeting.At the meeting,all the students expressed their opinious on how to help homeless people. These were we thought about altogether.

First one was raise money. We can raise money and then give the money to those homeless people, won't be enough for buying a new house for them, but at least can help them survive for a short term. We also can give clothes to them,too. Lots of homeless people don't have warm clothes to help them spend time in winter, so if we give some clothes that we don't want or don't fit us anymore to them, they will be really appreciate.

Another idea was that we can find their homes and send them back. This idea is really hard to achieve, but still works. We can use the internet or some other sources to find out their homes if there it is one, and we can send them home to their families.

We really wanted to help them.


I am Amy.I am 14 years old .I get up at 6:300 a.m. And I have breakfast at 7:30 a.m. At about 7:30 , I help my mother do the housework .After finishing it , I do some reading at 8:15 a.m. I go to the zoo with my friends at 9:00 a.m. I like monkeys very much .At aout 11:30 , we go home .I have lunch at 12:00 p.m.At 2:30p.m., I go shopping with my mother .We buy lots of things .What a happy day !

以上就是无家可归的人英语作文的全部内容,we should try our best to provide warm houses for those homeless people,let them enjoy good community services,receive good education and live a happy life. 世界正变得越来越好。但还存在一些问题,还有很多人无家可归;还有很多童工,战争时而爆发。很多人因为饥饿或疾病而死去,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
