
  • 三年级作文
  • 2024-03-20

我的三个愿望英语作文? 那么,我的三个愿望英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。



If I had Aladdin's lamp, and it allows me to make three wishes, and all of the wishes would come true.
First of all,my first dream was to become happy. Because only become happy, would be perfect in this life, will have no regrets.
Secondly,I hope I get healthy. Because only become healthy before I can have a good body, the saying goes: "the body is the capital of revolution," has the capital in order to find the best life I want, to achieve my goal.
besides, if I have a good body, in my parents old when I can take care of them. And so when I'm older, my children as my body will not get sick and worried all day.
Thirdly,I hope I become a genius. Because it becomes a genius can earn a lot of money, people can be admired. Feeling must be very great! ! !
These were my 3 wishes.


My Dream
I 'm just a student,i can;t like Martin Luther King, Jr.to save the people who was in troble,I just want to be a teacher .
I wang to be a teacher ,to teach the children , I think children are the best kind person in the world ,I want to try my best to lead them to protect the thing and people what they love ,and love the world ,love the Earth ,love everything.
I have a dream,to be a good teacher,to be a leader for the heart!


我的三个愿望(My three wishes)
If I was given 3 wishes and all of the wishes would come true.
First of all, I wished that I could finish high school at once, because if people stayed in a same place for a long time, everything maybe would be boring for a person.
Besides, if I could finish high school at once or earlier, I would be able to save a lot of money and I also could use the money to do any other valuable things.
Secondly, I wished that I could go to the university, whatever which university was, because I wanted to find a job which I liked easier. In particularly, I could get a high salary every week form working.
Thirdly, I wished that I could be a businessman, because my parent both are bosses, they have their own company, this has impacted on me for a long time, since I was a child of 5years old. Also, as a businessman, I would be able to be a boss and I could control my company and I would feel freer than work for other people.
These were my 3 wishes.


环保,这一个词语消失了好久好久。终于有一天,它重现在生活里了。 近年来,树木被人们过度砍伐,逐渐减少;森林的不断消失,导致了沙漠无止境的扩大,与洪水的泛滥成灾……这样子的事情还有很多很多。正因为如此,我们的城市才会如此的岌岌可危,只要稍有不慎,城市就有可能会覆灭,人类就也有可能会灭亡。 曾经有很长很长的一段时间,“环保”这一个词在历史舞台上边儿销声匿迹过。不过,这一个词终于闪亮登场,重见天日了。 在我们的生活当中,有这样子的一串生物链:树木、小鸟儿、虫子。鸟需要在大树上搭窝;而树木又是虫子的食物;鸟又要捕食虫子这一道美味佳肴。这一串生物链中的三样事物缺了一样,生物链就不可以成立,而它又在我们的生活中起到了不可低估的作用。 就让我们想一想吧!少了小鸟儿之后,虫子们就失去了它这一个天敌,也就是说虫子们会不停地去咬树叶、吮树脂、啃树干、挖树心。没有了鸟类的干扰,虫子就会超速地繁殖,这也就意味着树木会逐渐地消亡。这也就没有了树木。没有了树木之后,就没有了氧气,那么我们也就无法生存下去。然而,对于虫子,我们到底是无法将它斩草除根的,这真是令人感到无可奈何啊! 再让我们思考一下自己现在这样的处境吧!我们人类将树木毫无节制地乱砍滥伐。树木就算再多终究也是有限的,经不起这样的砍伐。现在的氧气已


i wish that every one could be healthy and happy, and i am hoping to make friends corresponding me in letters. and i really want to visit beijing which is an amazing city.

