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  • 优秀作文
  • 2023-08-10

点外卖作文?1.小学六年级外卖小哥有你,真好作文400字 又是一个雨夜。外面狂风呼啸,电闪雷鸣。豆大的雨点儿从天而降。我在沉思中又想到了几天前的那件让我温暖的事。 那天,也是狂风暴雨。那么,点外卖作文?一起来了解一下吧。




The water supply at home has been cut off. The mother who wanted to cook had to order takeout on her mobile phone. After ordering the meal, my mother and I were lying on the sofa, blowing the air conditioner leisurely and watching the TV while waiting for the arrival of the delivery brother.


After a long time, the takeout boy still didn't come. The appointed delivery time had already passed, and I was hungry. My mother comforted me: "wait a little longer. Maybe the rain has affected the speed of the delivery staff." I had to wait hungry.



最近外卖的生意又开始繁忙了,或许是因为下雨的原因吧。大概下雨天还会影响人的心情所以发觉最近叫外卖的人都吃得比较晚,而且大多都不愿出门。不难看出,我是要加晚班的了,踏着生满锈的自行车穿着破旧的雨衣提着白色塑料袋加我的班送我的外卖。这生活好像提高了一个层次。 生活是有层次之分的。晴朗的天气吧,吹着微风,阳光明媚,深圳到处都一片懒洋洋.于是也开始抹杀了一部分深圳人的胃口了。而且听说这个棚扒季节很多人开始减肥了,差不多都以水代饭(当然,除了那部分喝了水也会长肉的人)。所以工链坦昌作稍微轻松了,偶尔可以寻老板不注意打个小旽或偶尔送外卖路上可以尽情抽根烟,这就是我所能感觉到的所谓的对我来说的神仙般的生活,便是如此这般了。而事实的真相反而觉得累了,这点从抽烟的数量可以看得出,如果你是抽烟人,相信在不喝酒的情况下香烟是可以判断你的心情的。 生活总得有所觉悟,于是与现在对比我把那种抽烟过日子的生活定为堕落,并为现在繁忙的外卖生意感到生活的激情依然存在。 不过话又说回来吧,下雨天就如一个哭泣的女人。而且没完没了的。你会喜欢她吗?我是不会的。而且压根儿没感觉到下雨走路中人们如是所说的浪漫。或许是因为俺是送外卖的并不懂得浪漫吧,不过这雨继续下下去,激情还是会被淋灭的,正所谓物极必反了。




The water supply at home has been cut off. The mother who wanted to cook had to order takeout on her mobile phone. After ordering the meal, my mother and I were lying on the sofa, blowing the air conditioner leisurely and watching the TV while waiting for the arrival of the delivery brother.


After a long time, the takeout boy still didn't come. The appointed delivery time had already passed, and I was hungry. My mother comforted me: "wait a little longer. Maybe the rain has affected the speed of the delivery staff." I had to wait hungry.



The Popularity of Take-out Food in School Nowadays,

as the more choices for students in the school, some students can’t

bear the school’s canteen, they call the take-out food. The producers

sense the business opportunity, they advertise their food, attracting

more students to order their food, and then they promise to provide the

perfect service, which means they can bring the food to the students’

room. The problem is that school bans the take-away food, on the one

hand, the school needs students to consume in the canteen, on the other

hand, they want to make sure the students’ healthy. Most students choose

to order the take-out away food in secret, though it may danger their

health. In my opinion, the school should change their menu for some

time, they need to cook the food that is suit to the students’ taste,

they could learn what kind of food the students like, and then adjust

the menu. The take-away food will be reduced naturally.


With the rise of technology and the convenience it brings, food delivery services have become increasingly popular. However, as with any innovation, there are both benefits and drawbacks. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of food delivery, as well as offer some suggestions.

Firstly, food delivery services provide great convenience to people who are too busy to cook or who don't want to go out to buy food. With just a few clicks on their smartphones, they can order a wide variety of dishes from different restaurants and have them delivered to their doorstep. This saves time and energy, especially for those who work long hours or have children to take care of.

However, there are also some disadvantages to food delivery. For one, it can be expensive, as delivery fees and service charges may be added to the cost of the food. Additionally, there is the issue of food safety and quality. Sometimes, the food may not be as fresh as it would be if it were eaten in the restaurant, and there is the risk of contamination during delivery.

To address these concerns, food delivery companies should ensure that their delivery personnel are properly trained in food handling and safety. They should also maintain strict quality control measures to ensure that the food is fresh and safe to eat. In terms of cost, companies could consider offering promotions and discounts to attract more customers.

Overall, food delivery services have both advantages and disadvantages. While they provide convenience and save time, they can also be expensive and raise concerns about food safety and quality. By implementing measures to address these issues, food delivery companies can continue to grow and provide a valuable service to consumers.

以上就是点外卖作文的全部内容,不难看出,我是要加晚班的了,踏着生满锈的自行车穿着破旧的雨衣提着白色塑料袋加我的班送我的外卖。这生活好像提高了一个层次。 生活是有层次之分的。晴朗的天气吧,吹着微风,阳光明媚。
