1. 风车的起源和历史:介绍风车的起源和发展历史,可以从古代的浇灌农田开始,再到如今用于发电等方面。
2. 风车的结构和工作原理:详细描述风车的结构,包括叶片、转轴、传动装置等,并解释风力转换为机械能的工作原理。
3. 风车的应用领域:列举风车在农业、能源领域以及其他领域的应用,如浇灌农田、发电、水泵等。
4. 风车的优缺点:探讨风车的优点,如清洁环保、可再生等,同时也提及其缺点,如依赖气候条件、噪音等。
5. 未来风车的发展:展望未来风车的发展趋势,如更高效的设计、智能化控制等,同时也可以谈论风能在未来能源中的地位。
6. 个人观点与总结:陈述自己对风车的看法,可以结合前面的内容,对风车的价值和前景进行总结。
1. 风车
Fossil energy and nuclear energy are considered nonrenewable energy
types. Nonrenewable energy is obtained from sources at a rate that exceeds
the rate at which the sources are replenished. For example, if the biogenic
origin of fossil fuels is correct, we could consider fossil fuels renewable
over a period of millions of years, but the existing store of fossil fuels is
being consumed over a period of centuries. Because we are consuming
fossil fuels at a rate that exceeds the rate of replenishment, we consider
fossil fuels nonrenewable. Similar comments apply to nuclear fuels such
as uranium, as we observe in later chapters. Solar energy is considered
a renewable energy for the following reasons.1
Renewable energy is energy obtained from sources at a rate that is less
than or equal to the rate at which the source is replenished. In the case
of solar energy, we can use only the amount of energy provided by the
sun. Because the remaining lifetime of the sun is measured in millions
of years, many people consider solar energy an inexhaustible supply of
energy. In fact, solar energy from the sun is finite, but should be available
for use by many generations of people. Solar energy is therefore considered
renewable. Energy sources that are associated with solar energy, such as
wind and biomass, are also considered renewable.
Solar radiation may be converted to other forms of energy by several
conversion processes. Thermal conversion relies on the absorption of solar
energy to heat a cool surface. Biological conversion of solar energy relies
on photosynthesis. Photovoltaic conversion generates electrical power by
the generation of an electrical current as a result of a quantum mechanical
process. Wind power and ocean energy conversion rely on atmospheric
pressure gradients and oceanic temperature gradients to generate electrical
power. In this chapter we focus on thermal conversion.We first discuss the
source of available solar energy, and then consider solar energy technology
in two of its three forms: passive solar, and active solar. The third form of
solar energy, solar electric, is discussed in the next chapter. We end this
chapter with a discussion of solar power plants.
1. 引入:介绍风车的基本概念和特点,引起读者的兴趣。
2. 外观和美感:描述风车的外备闹观,如叶片的形状、颜色等。强调其在田野中的靓丽风景,通过细腻的描写让读者产生美感。
3. 功能和用途:说明风车的实用性,如提取水源灌溉农田、发电等功能。讲述风车在农村地区的应用,陈述其对农业生产和生活的重要性。
4. 文化价值和传统:探讨风车所代表的文化价值和传统。可以考虑风车在古代存在的历史,以及它与农耕文化、乡村生活的紧密联系。
5. 环保意识:强调风车作为一种可再生能源利用的典范,对环境友好的特点。阐述风能与环保、可持续发展的关系,引发读者对清洁能源的思考。
6. 总结:概括风车的魅力和作用,回顾文章主要内容,强调风车是美丽风景和新能源利用的结合体。