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  • 优秀作文
  • 2023-08-06








Chongwen tower, is located in Shaanxi Jingyang County, Xianyang City, 10 kilometers to the southeast of the Chongwen tower area, Weiranchuli in Jinghe River north, was built in the Ming Dynasty Wanli nineteen years (1591), Jingyang Shang Shi Da Li advocated presided over, built by the Nanjing Zhenjiang craftsmen, construction is China's highest pagoda.

Chongwen tower is a pagoda style pavilion, the plane was octagonal, a total of 13 layers, total height 87.218 meters, according to the gossip hanging at the top of the ancient architectural design principle, from the tower to the top of the tower all with brick building. Chongwen tower is one of the best preserved of the pagoda. Chongwen tower has a long history, is the provincial level key cultural relics protection units.

Chongwen Chong tower tower with brick tower overall all built, is a loft style, a total of 13. The bottom of each length of 9 meters, 72 meters in circumference. Taki, Xu Mizuo, the tower was eight prismatic. The South Pylon engraved with "Chongwen pagoda" four words. The tower has four doors on each floor are four niches, mid niches or sitting or standing, shapes, vivid style of the Ming Dynasty stone buddha. The brick stairs, but on the twists and turns until the top of the tower. Each tower canopies several huge brick folded out, forming a waist eaves platform metres wide, for visitors to tour tour. Each layer brackets, brick eaves rafter head, with special grinding brick pieces assembled, tenon and mortise lock, seamless, and have brick for various kinds of patterns, very spectacular. Each Yanjiao Campanula hung, the moonlight, bells tinkling, more Guta add charm. The high-rise built around a castle like battlements, when the weather is fine, people travel by battlements overlook, visited eight square, Yuanwang 8 water circle Chang'an, night Lishan Zhao spectacular, more substantial Jing, Wei Er river.

At the top of the original copper pot mouth, pots set 8 statue of various types of different copper statue of Buddha, but is copper basin in Guanzhong drought after 1929 was checkmate steal, small copper statue of Buddha also in 1980 was local children dug to sell copper, fortunately county cultural units found redemption by, exists in the County Museum in. Past, most executives have long several strains of evergreen cypress, now, the 13 storey tower top, to about 5 meters high copper hyacinth received top, quite magnificent.

Chongwen tower in the form of broke the typical of the square tower of the Tang Dynasty and is octagonal, and all the holes are volume arch, the level and the magnificent and graceful posture can be comparable with Xian Da Ci'en Temple of the wild goose pagoda. "The pagoda disappeared AI into Qingyun, Wei Jing flow distance." "For a long time without a column, who made the southeast. Cut top thorn blue sky and cloud cap blurred. Breathing the sound of wind and rain, Dulong song ring road. Ten in the city of Changan, only to shrink corner. As the gray color, but also terrible mourning." These poems, describing the Chongwen pagoda and majestic style.



陕西省重点文物保护单位。位于咸阳城北32公里处泾阳县崇文乡(现位于崇文镇崇文中学后操场)。建于明万历二十一年(1593),在李世州磨粗达倡导主持下,由南京镇江工匠官施工,于万历三十三年(1605)竣工。塔身13层,高87.218米。根据八卦悬顶的古建筑原理设计,塔基至塔顶全用青砖砌成。为八棱形,底边长9米。底层为重檐式,在南向塔门上刻有"崇文宝塔"4字。最高层为城堡式塔垛,以铜葫芦收顶。1979年在册镇塔顶部发现8尊铜佛像、菩萨像和天王像等,造型逼真生动,为明代珍品。 据《铁佛崇文塔寺常住田供众记》碑文记载,该塔为倡导泾阳、三原、高陵三县学童努力向学而建,始建于明万历十九年(1591),耗时19年,至万历三十六年(1608)竣工,修塔人为明刑部尚书、本县人李世达。咸阳泾阳崇文塔简介 崇文塔坐落在泾阳县城东南10公里的崇文中学内,巍然矗立于泾河北岸。该塔始建于明万历二十一年公元1593年,每年修建一层,万历三十三年公元1605竣工。为省级重点文物保护单位。崇文塔身13层,高817米,系根据八卦悬顶的古建筑原理设计、每层都是八卦悬顶收顶,由塔底至塔顶全用青砖修建。全游档部塔身均为八棱形状,底层每边9米,周围共计72米。













