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  • 优秀作文
  • 2025-02-19

英语作文十年后的生活?very happy with my feiend!十年后,我希望我可以是一名护士,作为一名护士,我将很好的帮助医生。我将生活在北京,我认为北京是一个非常好的城市在中国。我最爱北京人,因为他们非常友好。我将有一些宠物,我甚至可能养一只宠物猪。我或许去游泳每一天。我将保持健康。我将非常开心和我的朋友!那么,英语作文十年后的生活?一起来了解一下吧。


1: Over the next decade, I anticipate becoming increasingly wealthier. This transformation will bring significant changes to my daily life. For instance, I will no longer attend traditional school, nor will I need to commute to work. My career as a computer engineer will allow me to work from home, where I can use my computer for self-study and work-related tasks. I expect to travel to any destination I choose merely by thinking about it. With independence in purchases, I will be able to buy whatever I desire without assistance. Online shopping will be my primary method for acquiring various items. Furthermore, I plan to employ my robot to assist with household chores, adding a touch of convenience to my life. I believe that in ten years, our lives will be more intriguing and delightful than ever before.



I will become more and more richer after ten years .Everything will change.For example: I will not go to schoool for study,I won't go out to work. Because I will become an egineer in computer.I will only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer.And I will go to work by my computer. No matter where I want to go, I will only have a thought.I will buy anything without anyone's help. I will buy all kinds of things by internet. I will let my robbet help me do some house work.I think our life will be more interesting and wonderful after ten years.


the life after 10 years i think is a fantestic, because i believe that i will have my own business or enterprise, i am gonna have a preaty wife and a healthy son or daughter. i think that is the most people's wish after 10 years. so i will working hard on my academic and be a useful manin the future.




Dan Gilbert和其他一些心理学家发现这种“高估某个经历产生的情绪体验的强度和影响的时间”的现象十分普遍,他把这种现象称作“影响力偏差”。 大学生会以为选中或选不中自己称心的宿舍会让自己非常开心或伤心,而事实上这个对他们的影响都不大;刚失恋的人以为自己会伤心很久,但2个月后其实也没他们想象中那么肝肠寸断;女人高估了自己怀孕测试结果不如人愿时的不开心程度;那些没拿到终身教授职位的老师以为自己会抱憾终身,其实5年后他们也始终没多大变化。简而言之,实际上无论十年后的你富可敌国或是穷困潦倒,其实你的快乐指数未必和现在差得太多。





I see myself in ten year to have finished my schooling and started my career. It would be a turnaround time for me both personally and professionally since I would be in the middle of my career development and my family set-up. It would demand a substantial effort in balancing the both and let both thrive. Yet if conflict arises my family always take precedence. To build up a happy family and be with my loved ones is the perpetual and most long lasting source of happiness and self-actualization.


ten years oldI will be a doctor,I will help people

