
  • 四年级作文
  • 2024-09-04

英语作文四级模板? 那么,英语作文四级模板?一起来了解一下吧。

1.we can never /notoveremphasize theimportanceofmobilephone too much that leadus to a convenient age。
手机带我们进入一个便利的时代,再怎么强调它的重要性都不为过。 (这里的mobilephone 可以根据题目要求进行更改)
2.however,othersseverely doubt this .they complain that,然而,其他人很怀疑这一观点,他们认为。。
3.some people firmly support。。 furthermore。。 一些人坚决支持......而且....

坚持学就行了,快的话需要人引导和语言环境撒,那才找英语辅导中心~ ABC先下在线口语、Hkknow英语、意格英语、E x say英语课程挺有.好.针对性的,1对1外教辅导真的有明显效果。我的专四、专八全凭这一套写作,绝对实用、简单 In recent years,、、、(指出某种现象、话题)。When it comes to ts issue, naturally opinions differ from person to person,some people agree with the idea that....(一种观点),wle others claim that...(另一种观点).There is probably some truth in both arguments.However,personally I hold the opinion that... (你的观点)。The following reasons can account for my preference. To start with,...(理由1) Further more,(理由) Finally,...(理由) Taking all the above mentioned reasons into consideration ,I may reasonably draw the conclusion that(你的观点或结论)。

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1When it comes to .... , some people bielive that ....... Others arguethat the opposite is true . There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...)
2"Knowledge is power(名言slogen)." such is the remark made by Bacon(作者).This remark has been shared by more and more people .

