
  • 一年级作文
  • 2024-07-22

暑假趣事英语作文?我的去年暑假我做了什么六年级下册50词英语作文 篇一:暑假趣事 说到读书趣事,这让我想到在书店发生的一件趣事。 那是在暑假的一天,天气炎热,太阳毫不吝啬的把它那强烈的阳光洒向大地,空气中弥漫着一股烦躁的气息。这种天气,我却骑车到书店看书。那么,暑假趣事英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。



drawn to specific themes such as Zen, angels, paradise, or the ethereal, we should explore them. D or and furniture crafted from natural materials like wood and stone blend seamlessly into nature. Yet we can also augment the natural world by filling our garden sanctuaries with statues, bells or gongs, or colorful flags. Running water, like that in a created stream or fountain, helps energy flow *** oothly. If space is a concern, crystals and mirrors can fulfill the same function.


1.The happiest day

January 29,Saturday,Sunny

I got up early today because my parents and I wanted to go to Nanshan to ski.After breakfast,my father drove our car.It took us about an hour to get there.There were thousands of people.We quickly changed our clothes and went skiing as soon as we got there.My parents and I were good skier.We spent five hours skiing there and we really had a good time.Skiing is my favorite sport so this was my happiest day.我今天很早就起床了,因为我父母和我要去南山滑雪场去滑雪.吃完早饭后,我父亲开车花了我们大约1个小时到那.那里有成千上万的人.我们一到那就迅速换衣服然后去滑雪.我父母和我都是滑雪高手.我们在那滑了5个小时的雪,我们确实过得很愉快.因为滑雪是我最喜爱的运动,所以我这天过得最愉快

2.The busiest day

January 31,Monday,Sunny

I got up early and helped my mother cook breakfast.Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room.At nine o'clock I went shopping with my parents by car.There was traffic jam so the car moved slowly.It took us about an hour to get to Wumart.We bought lots of food and drink because Spring Festival was ing.In the afternoon I visited my friends and payed table tennis with them.I surfed the inter and read books in the evening.It was my busiest day of winter holiday.我起床很早,帮我母亲做早饭,然后洗碗打扫房间.9:00我和我父母开车去购物.交通堵塞所以开得很慢.我们花了大约1个小时才到物美.我们买了很多食物和饮料因为春节快到了.下午我去拜访朋友并和他们打乒乓球.晚上我上网并读书.这是我寒假最忙的一天.

3.The most boring day

Today my parents all went to work because their Spring Festival holiday was over.I had to stay at home and did my homework all day.I cooked lunch by myself and it was the simplest only some noodles.When I felt lonely I listened to music and read some books.At about 6:00 pm,my parents finally went back home from work.I thought it was the most boring day of my winter holiday.今天我父母都去上班了因为他们的春节假期已经结束了.我不得不整天呆在家做作业.中午我自己做的午饭-简单的面条.当我感觉孤单时就听听音乐看看书.6:00 我父母终于下班回到了家.我认为这是我寒假中过的最乏味的一天.






One day during the summer vacation, my parents took me to the chengdu zoo.

When we get to the zoo, we are greeted by parrots who talk to people. "Hello, welcome! Ah, speaking of standard mandarin. I went up to him and said, "Mr. Parrot, are you talking to me?" "It's me. Welcome. Have a nice day!" It really makes me laugh.

To the amphibious house. There, we saw fierce crocodiles, grey and white, and could swallow a chicken, and the sharp teeth were like saws. There are venomous snakes and venomous snakes, and the worst thing about snakes is bamboo leaves. Bamboo leaf blue is a kind of poisonous snake, spread in Italy, China, Japan...

I also saw the heavy elephant, the tame giraffe and the black and white zebra, all relaxed and free. The flamingos were very strange, the crown was black, the feathers were black, the face was pink and ran fast. Finally, there are sea lions, porcupine, lions and tigers. The lion and the tiger are formidable and brave. The sea lion was lovely and swam about in the water with a beard. The porcupine must have been very rare, with a thorn in its face and a body like a pig, a little bit smaller, a kind of pig that got angry when it got angry.

Ah! Not only did I have a happy day, but I also gained a lot of knowledge.


This summer vacation is unusual. We were in sixth grade this summer. So this summer vacation is the last summer in our elementary school. The holidays are full of interesting things.

The funniest of all, it should be one of the things that happens when I borrow a book from chang.

It was a hot evening and I went to meet my mother who came home from work. When I got to the front of the neighborhood, my mother suddenly called and said she had something to do. I sighed and thought, "I don't expect to go back either." Because I didn't have the key. It occurred to me that I could borrow the sixth-grade textbook, because the sixth grader, who had been known since the last encounter, lived in the neighborhood opposite my home. Thinking of it, he took out his cell phone and contacted him. The woman who answered the phone was a woman. I asked my name, and then I went to the changzi lei. After a while, he came to pick up the phone, and I asked him to lend me all the lecture books of the sixth grade and a copy of Robinson Crusoe. He said quickly, and said, "I'm coming." Hang up the phone and I'll start waiting for him. It's only five minutes, but ten minutes, twenty minutes... Half an hour passed and he didn't come. I can't help but wonder: will he be kidnapped? Because there was a dark road in their small area and a lot of low shrubs, they could hide the bad guys. I was frightened out of my cold sweat, and then I called the changzi house. His parents said he had left early. I thought: strange thing, long gone, man? I looked back at my neighborhood and suddenly noticed that there was a constant. I hastened to call him, and he came running. We met at last.

We had been waiting for half an hour for each other. So I thought, we're going to do everything in detail. Otherwise, there will be a big price to pay. In the next few days, every time I think about it, I can't help laughing. Do you think that's interesting?



【 #英语资源#导语】暑假生活像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往,暑假发生的一件件有趣的事,常常把我带进美好的回忆中。为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is almost over. During the holidays, I almost hid at home to read without going out of the gate. There were not many interesting things, but the false alarm made me have endless afterthoughts.

Remember one day, I was at home alone. After I finished my homework, I went for a walk in the park opposite. Near noon, when I came to my house, I found that I had not taken the key with me. I was like an ant on a hot pot, turning round and round. My originally happy and smiling face suddenly changed from sunny to cloudy, as if a wonderful Sichuan opera had been performed. Hey, what should I do? The door can't be opened, I can't eat lunch, I have no place to sleep in the afternoon... Thinking about it, I feel more depressed.

I knocked on the door of my neighbor's house and said to the uncle who opened the door: "uncle, I forgot to bring my key when I went out, and my mother is not at home. Could you lend me the phone and let me tell my mother..." I actually talked a lot about this phone borrowing. I pushed and knocked every word in a reasonable way. Now I think back, it was definitely an excellent oral composition. But the uncle was unmoved and coldly threw out the two words "not to borrow", and closed the door.

When I faced the door of my house, I felt a sudden ecstasy. "Ah?" I was stunned. It turned out that the door was not locked. It was just a small lock at the bottom. Once the handle was turned, the door would open. I leaned against the door frame, angry and funny.

It's interesting to think about it now. It also makes me understand: in fact, there is no absolute failure in this world. What fails is often our methods and attitudes towards problems. Most of the time, failure is just a frightening wooden bridge over the torrent of water. Go over it, and success is waiting for you.


The summer vacation I long for has finally come! Although it is accompanied by homework and tutoring classes and our parents' desire for final exam results. But in any case, we will be happy, because children of our age have always yearned for holidays.

Unknowingly, the x month of summer vacation has passed. Are you happy? Anyway, I am very happy. Because there are many interesting things to accompany, it is difficult to be unhappy. Now let me tell you an interesting story.

In the past x months, although there were many tutoring classes and the homework was messy, I was very happy. In fact, it's very good to go to the tutorial class. You can have many friends.

I once went to an English class and met one of my classmates who was also in our classroom. I was wondering why he came back. Did he come to this classroom? Sure enough, he came to class. When the teacher called the roll, they were discussing their grades with each other. One person said that he scored 102 points in the math test. As a result, my classmate bragged about his score of about 110, and said that none of you in this room exceeded this score. The teacher was also praising him: "Oh, so high in the exam!" Hearing the teacher's praise, he was very happy and raised his head proudly.

At this time, I couldn't watch any more, so I said, "cut, it's good to show off just a few points on the test." He turned to look at me and said, "it's like you got full marks in the exam." I smiled and said, "how do you know how many points I got in the exam without asking?" "How many scores did you get?" "120?" "Cut, it's a lie." "I don't know my grades, as if you knew it." but even if he didn't accept the reality, he had to accept it. But as soon as he said that no one would surpass him, someone came to make him speechless.

We all laughed, but only three did not. One was the teacher, one was him, and the other was me. I think it's really not funny. I was speechless by what I said. It's really not funny.

Summer vacation is a good time, there are always many interesting things. This is an interesting thing in the summer vacation, a thing that only belongs to this summer vacation.


The most interesting thing about this summer vacation is to help dad wash his hair.

This afternoon, dad was about to go to the bathroom to wash his hair, but I pulled him back: "Dad, can I help you wash your hair?" "Can you do it?" Dad said. I played the coquette "let me have a try" while moving rescue troops to my mother. Mom had to help persuade dad. My mother and I took him (my father) to the bathroom without my father's consent, just like the police caught a thief. Although he finally "surrendered", he was still skeptical and said, "can you really?" I said confidently: "of course!"

I have prepared a bottle of shampoo, a basin of warm water, a towel and a comb. Everything is ready except the east wind! Shampoo action begin now! I put the towel on my father's shoulder and began to wash my father's hair. The first step: wet my hair. OK! I poured water on dad's head. "Wow! Is there any mistake? I'm almost drowned!" Because of the large mouth of the basin, the water flowed out too much, making his face full of water. It's really the first time that pig Bajie eats watermelon! I apologized repeatedly: "sorry! Sorry!" after soothing my father, I continued to help him wash his hair. Step 2: apply shampoo. I poured some shampoo on my father's head, and then scratched and scratched on his head, just like a professional shampoo. But when I looked down at my father, I only saw a painful expression on his face. I felt a little guilty. But as the saying goes, "there is no return arrow when I draw a bow", I had to listen to it! "Dad, all right!"

Our family of three is happy


This summer holiday, in fact, there was not much homework, but because my grades were not good, my mother added two kinds of homework to me, copying math problems, and copying the English of the fourth grade books two times. This mountain of homework nearly collapsed me. But I can get a good score next year. I can't bear it.

My good friend called me down to play, but I couldn't, because I couldn't delay my homework, and I couldn't finish it.

In order to regain my freedom as soon as possible, I worked hard, sometimes at 9 o'clock, and sometimes at 4 o'clock. After a month, I finally finished writing, and I could play with my friends again. I was not so happy. I always felt that my efforts in this month were not in vain.

Think about it carefully. It's not my mother's fault that I can't go out to play and I have to stay at home to do my homework. It's my fault. On the day of the exam, I was always elated, secretly looked down on other students and thought I knew all the questions. When the teacher handed out the paper, I just glanced at the questions on the paper and didn't pay any attention to them. I found that I knew all the questions, so I picked up my pen and wrote them, The examination time was 100 minutes, and I finished the whole paper in 40 minutes. After a cursory look, I handed in the paper.

When the test paper was handed out, I felt cool. The 89 points written in red pen on the test paper were particularly conspicuous at this time, as if laughing at me: "ha ha! You are so stupid. You can make mistakes on such a simple test paper!" I was numb at that time. Fortunately, my mother just let me work hard. She didn't beat me or scold me.


During the summer vacation, I experienced many things, big and small, and learned a lot of things. I often helped my father, mother and grandmother.

I remember that morning, after I got up, I pestered my grandmother to make dumplings for me to eat. My grandmother agreed. After a while, my grandmother took out the flour that had already been bought, called me, and started to make them together. Because this was the first time I could not do it, I watched my grandmother make them first. I saw my grandmother first make the dumplings into a circle, then press them in the middle for several times, and press them into a pot shape, then put a little sugar, press them together, and then rub them into a circle, In this way, a dumpling is made. I rubbed it like Grandma's, but the flour was relatively dry. In addition, I had no experience in it, and I didn't knead it for a long time. Because when I was about to knead it, there was a crack again. I muttered, "I'm really annoyed. How can the flour be so dry? Every time I knead it, it cracked." After listening to this, grandma told me: "when making Tangyuan, you should rub it slowly and calmly. You can't be too eager for success. Once you are too eager for success, you will not rub it well or it will be ugly and bad." After listening to grandma's words, I thought about it and rubbed it according to grandma's words. It was very smooth. There were 2, 3, 4, 5... 25 in the pot. There was only the last one. I rubbed the last one in a short time. "Yeah, it's done." I said happily. In a moment, the dumplings were cooked, and I ate them with relish

This is one of many things in my summer vacation. It is because of these interesting and interesting things that I have a more colorful summer vacation.


Summer life is like a colorful dream, like a string of shining pearls, which makes people miss and yearn for. There is one thing that has been deeply imprinted on my mind, and it will be fun to think of it now!

Summer vacation is coming. I went back to Nanxiong and went to the countryside with my grandfather at 9:00 in the morning. I'm from the city and haven't been to the countryside yet! Walking into the countryside, there are also rice beside the road. When I arrived at my destination, it was very hot. The cicadas in the tree are crying as if saying: "it's hot, it's hot... I have nothing to do. Suddenly, I thought of a good idea. I went to my friends and said," go, buddy, let's go and catch the cicadas. " My opinion was unanimously adopted. With the tools for catching cicadas, we set off. We were walking along the roadside. Suddenly, I saw a cicada. My eyes were shining with gold. I held the net and shouted, "die!" Before I caught it with the "net of law", it had already escaped. I learned from this failure that we should be careful when catching cicadas and not act rashly. As the saying goes, "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." The second time, I learned the lesson of the last time. I crept to a tree, then netted it, but let it fly away. The third time, I caught a cicada, but when I put it into the box, I didn't catch it well and flew away. After three failures, I finally realized the skill of catching cicadas. I caught many cicadas one after another. My friends looked at me, and I returned home with a full load.

This summer holiday is very interesting. It brings me a lot of laughter and happiness.


Summer life is like a kaleidoscope, colorful. What I did in the summer vacation has become a memory in a net. That net catches all kinds of things in life. One of them still haunts my mind, making me feel sweet and interesting at that time.

One summer morning, I came to my sister's house and saw her holding a red egg. My sister said to me, "believe it or not, this egg can run." I smiled and said, "the devil believes what you say." My sister said, "if you don't believe it, look at it." then she put the egg on the concrete floor. Without any external force, the egg really rolled up. How can an egg roll? I was puzzled. I picked up the egg and put it in my ear. There was a rustling sound inside. The sound really surprised me! I asked my sister, "what's in it?" The elder sister said solemnly, "this is a divine egg. It was laid by my hen for 10 days and 10 nights. Maybe some immortal came down to earth and cast the wrong embryo." I was even more surprised. Is this myth true? I didn't believe it and asked, "no, come on, what's going on?" My sister smiled and said, "I'm worried about you. There's a bug in the head. As soon as the bug climbs, the egg rolls." "Can you make one for me, too?" I begged her. My sister said, "OK.". When I came to my house, I found an egg and caught an insect according to my sister's instructions. My sister dug a small hole in one end of the egg, poured the egg yolk and egg white into the bowl, washed the inside with water, and dried it with a hair dryer. Then, I put the insects in, paste the hole with a piece of paper, and then dye it red with red ink. The "go away" was made. Put it on the ground, and the egg really rolled up. The two eggs had to roll one after the other. It was so fun that even my father and mother came to join the fun

From time to time, our family laughed happily


This matter should start from the summer vacation more than a month ago. One afternoon, I was reading at my desk when I heard my brother shouting on the balcony: "Hey, come and have a look!" My mother and I immediately ran from our respective areas. I saw a big black and yellow bee building a nest with mud. This nest is built on the hinge between the outer glass window and the inner screen window. I don't know when it has been built. It is about 10cm high.

At first, the guy bigger than the hornet really gave me a sense of uneasiness. But the idea of getting rid of it just flashed in my mind and disappeared.

The three of us thought at the same time: we should live in peace with it, because it is also a living creature.

My brother looked it up in the biological dictionary. Its scientific name is wasp.

From that day on, the humble appearance of this wasp nest has become the focus of attention of the whole family. Maybe it's fate, I can't see the whole process when it builds its nest.

One evening, I was looking at the sunset glow at the window when the wasp flew back. It picked up a piece of soil and landed on the nest with difficulty. It first moistens the soil at the place to be built with saliva, then moistens the soil it carries, and then sticks it on. Its mouth and feet cooperate accurately and skillfully. After a while, a small piece of soil was added to the honeycomb.

But what a small piece it is! It is only about one thousandth of the completed part. It must have worked hard for many days. I looked at its tiny body. Body, really feel the great and shocking power hidden in its body. I also read Yang Shuo's lychee honey. At that time, I always felt exaggerated. But when I saw this moving scene with my own eyes, I couldn't help being moved from the bottom of my heart.


What is the taste of summer vacation? Is it the sour and sweet of ice cream, or the thick and solid of summer homework? Is it the story that grandma can't finish telling under the Pu fan, or the loneliness and boredom of being alone at home? Come on, let me talk about the taste of summer vacation!

"How hot!" I said slowly while eating a popsicle. Cicadas on the tree seemed to hear my words, "cicadas, cicadas" echoed. The rhubarb dog in front of the door sticks out its tongue, gasps, and looks up from time to time, as if saying to father-in-law sun, "father-in-law sun, can you hide behind sister Yuncai? I'm really too hot!" But the scorching sun did not hear what the big yellow dog said. Instead, it warmed up and almost "roasted" the earth.

In the evening, my mother came home and told me that she had enrolled me in a math class. After hearing this, I was dumbfounded and asked my mother why she enrolled me in a cram school. But her mother said with good reason: "the summer vacation is for learning to recharge, not for playing! Look at other people's families. I signed up for four classes. I signed up for one." I retorted, "Oh! Then I am 'in the midst of happiness, I don't know it'?" "Of course, otherwise - I'll sign you up for another cram school!" I didn't want to go to cram school any more, so I had to obey my mother's orders. Although I don't want to, it's good to learn knowledge to refuel and recharge myself!

After the tutorial, my parents and I went to visit the museum in Wuhan. After arriving at the museum, my God! There are so many people visiting the museum! Instead of seeing antiques, we saw thousands of human heads. It's really tiring to visit the museum this time!

Summer vacation, can be any kind of taste. But I think this summer holiday is full of strong gunpowder.


In this summer holiday, I did a lot of interesting things, but what I was most interested in was the table tennis match with my father.

The game began. I kicked off first. I served the ball over the net with my signature "Kong Linghui" service. Dad also played his best game - chopping. I threw the ball back on the table. But the good times did not last long, and he was blocked by his father's powerful smash. Dad gets one point first. But I still followed my father closely. Before half-time, I was temporarily behind by 5:7. I thought: "I borrowed a subsidy from my father for his strong smash, but I can use a low ball to restrain my father's strong smash!" So I secretly rejoiced beside me and thought, "ha ha, your secret weapon will become a weapon for losing points." as expected, I scored three points in a row at the beginning of the second half. However, I was too proud, and finally I lost the first game with 9:11 During the rest time, I kept my feet steady and saw that the table was curved, so I thought, "the serve can make a corner, and the ball will bounce to the side. Then I can taste the taste of getting something for nothing." The second game began. The score of my father's two serves was 1:1. It was my turn to serve. I scored all the points after my two serves. However, my new bomber was not smooth sailing, and I also lost three points. The first half ended, and I scored 7:6. In the second half, I began to master my new bomber. The second game ended, and I won 11:8 In the third set, that is, the decisive set, I played like water and wind, and beat my father 11:6

I was so happy that I danced and danced. At the same time, I also learned that as long as I use my mind, I can succeed!

summer fun作文50字


the summer vacation had come round again. i was happy that i could forget about school at least for a while. lest i fool around all through this summer vacation, i made a plan as to how to spend it. first, i thought i should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that i could have a better understanding of them. then i thought i should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing, to keep me physically strong. it stood to reason that with such a good plan i should make the best of my vacation time. i did, because i lived up to what i had planned.


1.Summer Vacation

I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends. We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes,so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. It's a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.

2.An unforgettable thing during Summer vacation

It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the busgot there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relativeshelped people.

暑期英语作文 难忘的一件事


以上就是暑假趣事英语作文的全部内容,简评: 纵观小学写事的作文中,“趣事”最难写。难就难在一个“趣”字上,而本文实不失为一篇写趣事的佳作。首先选材有趣——钓鱼,其次钓鱼的方法有趣,用普通钓法和作者的新发明钓法一对比就更有趣了,钓鱼的过程也写得有趣。=== 暑假趣事作文,暑假趣事作文600字 这个暑假,和往常不一样。
