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  • 优秀作文
  • 2024-06-28

对整容手术的看法的英语作文?1. 理解和尊重个人选择:每个人对自己身体和外貌的态度不同,所以对整容的态度也会有所不同。人们应该尊重并理解每个人对自身外貌的选择权。2. 自身认同和自信:整容手术可能是为了改善个人的外貌或自身认同感。如果整容手术可以帮助一个人提高自信和幸福感,有些人可能会理解和支持这个决定。那么,对整容手术的看法的英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


Would you like to become more beauty than people around you?Competition in reality of society make beauty obsession. Cosmetics might no long satisfy people’s appetite for beauty. With developing tecnolagy, cosmetic surgeryhas stepped into our life, like a magician, it turns an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. However, do you really want the beauty brought by plastic surgery? In fact, the artificial look is almost nothing compare with one’s inner beauty except momentarily satisfaction. Contrary to expectation, common sense of the beauty is still disapproval of the fake beauty, not to mention plastic surgery is harmful to people’s health. To begin with, one’s outer beauty will fade quickly as time goes by, but one’s inner beauty will always shine. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross hadsaid, “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is lights from within." My best friend Joey back in Woodland school proves this idea perfectly. She is 7 inches shorter than me but twice mysize. Her friends always joke about her small eyes that she should open them sometimes. Even though Joey can’t be considered as a beauty, but she is still attractive. Joey is the president of Student Activity Council. She had organized many interesting and creative activities that brought joy and energy to my school. As a friend, Joey is friendly, humorous, honest and tolerant. She is like the gluesticks her friends together. All of her friends had said they couldn’t do anything without her presence.

Different eyes have different definitions on beauty. For example, some people appreciate small eyes, whereas others adore big one. In fact, people cultivated respectively have different sense of beauty. An American may adore women with tanned skin, full body shape and large, bright eyes. In contrast, Chinese usually like women with classical look that have skinny body shape, thin lips and small eyes. People describe their sense of beauty in the form of books, arts and media. They are the most successful method of communication because they travel all around the world. From these sources, people nowadays develop all kind of taste of beauty. So, one can never become more beautiful, because there will always be people opposite opinions.

Finally, plastic surgery have side effects which hurt one’s health, sometimes it is risky to life. Common cosmetic surgeries are breast augmentations, reshaping of nose and eyelid surgery. These surgeries require eithe skin removal or silicon gel ingestion. Cosmetic surgery has low risk in infection and scarring, however, if it unfortunately occurs, the effects on body are irreversible. People who failed cosmetic surgery are usually disfigured permanently. Also, there are underlying risks after the surgery. The silicon gel inserted into the breasts or nose can get shifted during exercises and damage one’s organs. The show 1000 ways to die describes a real story when a woman in San Diego got breast implants. The implants she got were substandard and filled with water instead of pure silicon. While on a plane, the atmospheric pressure caused the implants to expand and explode, and killed the woman. Life is a valueless treasure, we should be grateful for it instead of risk it for illusionary beauty.

All in all, a beautiful face is merely a shell. Self-cultivation, a good manner and rich knowledge make people to be more attractive. A beautiful appearance doesn’t make one to be superior also because of our various sense of beauty. Even if one believes beauty to be important, cosmetic surgery should never be considered because it associates with all kind of risks. A mistake during plastic surgery can lead to irreversible damage to one’s face and body, and may even cause death. Our appearance is a gift of parents. We are all beautiful as long as we have a positive attitude toward our appearance and appreciate what we already owned.





Plastic Surgery

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes t owrite a short essay entitle My View on Plastic Surgery. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

1 越来越多的人接受整容手术

2 我的看法及理由

3 结论



My View on Plastic Surgery

In recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve one's appearance, thus secure a good job. Others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic surgery as a waste of money. Personally, I agree with the latter.

Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve one's character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautiful girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on one's abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.

All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery.

Beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes


bear the risks 承担风险

competent and well-trained people 有真才实学的人

arrogant 傲慢的,自大的

must 作名词使用






1. 理解和尊重个人选择:每个人对自己身体和外貌的态度不同,所以对整容的态度也会有所不同。人们应该尊重并理解每个人对自身外貌的选择权。

2. 自身认同和自信:整容手术可能是为了改善个人的外貌或自身认同感。如果整容手术可以帮助一个人提高自信和幸福感,有些人可能会理解和支持这个决定。

3. 心理健康考量:对于一些人来说,整容手术可能是处理身体形象和自尊心问题的一种方式。在某些情况下,医生可能会推荐整容手术作为心理健康的一部分的治疗计划。

4. 社会压力和审美标准:整容手术也可能受到社会压力和审美标准的影响。在一些社会和文化中,外貌可能被过度强调,整容可能被视为一种改善自己外貌以符合社会要求的手段。

5. 自身的需求和动机:整容手术应该是出于个人对自身外貌的需求,而不是基于外界的期望或压力。确保你真正希望进行整容手术,并且明确自己的目标和期望。

6. 了解手术和风险:在做出决定之前,确保你对整容手术的具体细节、手术过程和可能的风险有充分的了解。咨询专业的医生或整容专家,并对手术前后的影响及可能的并发症进行了解。

7. 社会观念和期望:考虑你所处的社会环境对整容手术的态度和观念。一些文化和社会可能对整容持开放态度,而其他地方可能有不同的看法。

