我的理想摄影师作文?我的理想摄影师 (一)每个人或是生活在不同或相同地方的人,各自都会有自己的理想,而我的理想,是当一名摄影师。说起我的理想为什么是摄影师呢?是我前几天才突发的理想,几天前是我的生日,妈妈为庆祝我的生日,那么,我的理想摄影师作文?一起来了解一下吧。
我的理想摄影师 (一)
21世纪是个信息时代,电视已成为人们生活的必需品。电视里的主持人更是多姿多彩,他们每天在演播厅、舞台上,主持着电视前和现场的观众收看精彩的节目。而且电视里的主持人个个知识渊博,口才出众。主持人们个个才华横溢:有的能歌善舞,有的琴棋书画样样精通,有的记忆力过人,有的伶牙俐齿…… 主持人总能给人们带来最新信息:时事新闻、娱乐新闻、一线新闻。有的主持人还潜伏在灾区,冒着生命危险,为人民报道一线新闻,为人们的利益而工作着。
I have been dreaming of becoming an excellent photographer ever since I was seven. That all started when I saw a picture of a lovely panda. The photographer was trying to tell a moving story about how people saved this kind of endangered animal and that moved me so much.
I think a photographer’s job is very interesting and meaningful. He can record the beautiful moments in people’s lives with his camera: a beautiful young girl, a lovely dog, strangers helping each other and so on. And imagine how sweet it is when an old man looks at a photo of himself which was taken when he was young! I want to be a photographer like this who can record these sweet moments.
Of course, a photographer records not only the beautiful moments in life but also ugly things so that he can draw people’s attention to them and change them. For example, he may take photos of some social problems, such as air pollution, endangered animals and plants, and inequality of society. When people see these pictures, they will be better aware of these serious problems and will do things to improve the present situation. In a sense, a photographer is helping the society make progress in his special way.
I know it’s never easy for me to realize my dream of becoming an excellent photographer: I will have to work hard to buy myself a good camera and study hard to learn the skills. But I will keep on trying until I succeed.
My future isMy future is rich and colorful, and I think mineMy future is rich and colorful. I think my futureMy future is rich and colorful. I think my future will beMy future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I thinkMy future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a teacher.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer becauseMy future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers canMy future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some beautiful things.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some beautiful things.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some beautiful pictures.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some beautiful pictures and some pictures.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some beautiful pictures and some meaningful ones.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some beautiful pictures and some meaningful pictures.My future is rich and colorful. I think my future will be very good. I want to be a photographer because photographers can record some beautiful pictures and some meaningful pictures.
以上就是我的理想摄影师作文的全部内容,当摄影师我的理想作文1 每个人的理想就像万花筒一样绚丽多彩,每个人的理想都不一样,有的想当医生。警察、环保人员、教师……我的理想是成为一名摄影师。我之因此想当一名摄影师。