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  • 优秀作文
  • 2024-04-08



My friendI have a friend,she is very beautiful,she is of medium build,and she has straight hair ,big ege and samll more,she is a very happy girl,I love her\his very much,do you like her?

my best friend is mary. she lives in a tall building. she lives on the fifth floor. everyday she takes the lift up and down. she is twelve years old. she is tall and thin. she has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. she is very cute. i like playing with her. we are in the same class. i like to read books but she likes playing games. she likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. i like them, too. her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. she loves her cat. she often plays with her. the cat likes mary, too. they are cute. 祝你新年快乐

我有个同学非常要好的同学。她一头乌黑色的秀发,戴着黑框眼镜,皮肤很白,内双眼皮,眼睛非常漂亮,鼻子俏挺,嘴唇略厚,样子长得非常漂亮,还总是喜欢用姐来自称。我最欣赏她的人品和她非常聪明。每次她考试都在五名之内。她为人乐观,乐於助人,是非分明。世界上已很少这种人了。因为她心地好,所以有很多朋友。每个一但和她做了朋友,就不用忧愁了。 她对家人也很孝顺。时常帮助妈妈做家务,听爸爸妈妈的话。 每当她的朋友需要她的帮助,她一定会伸出援手。老师和同学也对她赞口不绝。她成绩好时,不会骄傲。她看到一些成绩不太理想的人时,她就会安慰她,叫他不要灰心,下次再努力。 人们都说她又漂亮又聪明。但她常常都说自己不是最漂亮,不是最聪明。自己是不漂亮,最不聪明的那个。当然同时,她有困难时都会有人帮助她。

My best friend and i
My best friend called Linda.In some ways we look the same, in some ways we look different.
We both have black eyes, black hair.
She is taller gentler and more seriously than me .
I'm more etroversion and facetious than he.We all like reading.
Both like reading.

