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  • 2024-03-29

大学生的烦恼英语作文?Take last Sunday, for example! After lunch, I went homework, I just finished writing and want to take a break, can my mother found my mother to see me finish the job,那么,大学生的烦恼英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


Ihavealotoftrouble.mommylostthejob,notthefather,Ifearmymotherwillspendthemoney,sohowdoweliveit!mothermoneytobuyahouse,mymother''saccountslinkedinafriend''shouse,mymother''sfriendswillnotletmehangintheirhouseaccount.Mymomgothroughtrusteeaccountsallday,makingthingsdifficultforthosepeopleentrustedtomother,motherisanxiouscry,verysad,Icannothelpcrying.myballoonwasblowingmeaburst,balloonbaglessandless,Inolongerworryaboutrunningoutofmymotherboughtme.Idothemaththetotalerror,themotherdecidedtohitme,I''msorry,Ihopetogetridofabadhabitofcarelessness,Ihopemymother''stempercanbealittlebetter.lotofmytroubles,thebiggestworryistonothelpthebusymomcannotliftthemother''stroubles. WesternNorthShijiazhuangShiqiao SunHailinMan6-year-oldElsieschoolpreschool


【 #英语资源#导语】在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


Even when the sun is shining, it is inevitable that there will be short-term clouds. Growing teenagers will have some lingering troubles. This trouble comes from life, from study and from communication with classmates“ Why are you so careless? English capital letters are written in lowercase letters "" math decimal point is forgotten to add "" dead brain always turns but turns "" Chinese is always wrong. " From the beginning, such words often revolved around me. Sometimes it's parental criticism, sometimes it's self mockery. Sometimes it's my brother's sarcasm. If you don't wear glasses, you'll have trouble. In class, I only heard the teacher's voice and couldn't see the teacher's writing clearly. Watching TV, as if to face the TV, can't help being "blasted chestnuts" by my father; On the road, he called others grandma by mistake. He blushed with shame and fled.

At home in the sixth grade of primary school, I want to help my busy mother do some housework.. Just after boiling water, I was lifting the thermos to pour it. My mother hurried forward: "let me come, let me come, be careful to burn your hands." Want to cut a pear to eat, my mother said, "let me, let me, be careful to cut your hands." I want to help my mother wash clothes. My mother said let me come. Let me do it. Your task is to study. I'll do these things“ Received here, my mother has been educated, how to study, how to learn well, how to do well in the exam, and how to go to junior high school in the future. I know these words are adults who care about me. Sometimes my parents care too much. When I feel bored and bored. Want to wash clothes, my mother washed for me; Want to cook, my father willingly contracted; Want to listen to music, go out for a walk, parents are completely opposed. I know that when I go back to my desk, I face a lot of review questions and don't think of anything. In fact, annoying the brain is not terrible. The key is to treat it correctly


Growth is like a boat in my life, sailing on the sea. Sometimes it is calm, sometimes it will encounter surging waves. My boat of growth is not plain sailing, and it has also experienced all kinds of storms.

More homework and less play; The teacher's strictness "blocks" the faintness of joy; The heavy pressure "created" us - the trouble of growth.

Today, we went to grandma's house to see Grandpa and grandma. Dad, mom and I are carrying big and small bags of things. Mother's bag is for grandpa and grandma to eat maintenance products; There are some snacks and fried goods in dad's bag; And I opened my bag - one, two, three... A lot of exercise books; One, two, three... Many pens.

When I got to grandma's house, I had a few simple greetings with grandma and grandpa, and then ran upstairs to do my homework. The north wind blew very hard, making my homework book rustle. To my ears, this is noise“ A burst of laughter came from afar. I stood up and saw that it was a group of children playing below. I sat down again and then did my homework. At this time, one of the children said to me, "sister, come down and play with us!" I smiled happily and stood up from my seat. As soon as I was about to take a step, I was firmly held by my homework. I had to say sadly, "forget it, you go and play." Although I say so, how I hope to get rid of all my homework and have a good time! Even for an hour.

Bursts of laughter gradually drifted away, and the sky gradually darkened. After a day's homework, I finally finished it, but somehow, I still couldn't be happy.

On the way home, I was depressed. My mother found my abnormality and asked me, "what's the matter?" I said, "when I grow up, my troubles increase." Mother smiled and said, "it's homework!" I nodded helplessly. My mother said earnestly, "child, although you have more homework and less time to play, you are constantly learning knowledge! Isn't it fun to acquire knowledge? " After listening to my mother, I suddenly enlightened.


In our growth, it is not always plain sailing. We will always encounter some obstacles on the way to growth. Let me tell you about my own obstacles. As we all know, only by breaking through these obstacles can I show my real potential.

The biggest obstacle in my heart is that I don't like thinking. In the math problem, because there are some math problems, I don't think, and then I directly say that this problem won't work.

It is because I don't like thinking that I have developed this bad habit. I found that most of the questions I don't think about are what I will do, but the vast majority of them won't do. As long as I think carefully, I will do them. Since then, I have found a problem. As long as I think hard, no problem is difficult for me. In the first grade, Mr. Wang said that nothing is difficult for you, so I still have to think more seriously.

Only when I seriously think about some problems that I don't think about, and directly say no, most of them I can do, so I have to think carefully in the future, so as to make some problems simpler. I think more, will make my math better, more thinking will make people smarter, so I can learn well only by breaking through this obstacle.

Let me tell you about my next obstacle. My next obstacle is reading. Because what I learned is only superficial, because when I read, I always look at flowers, turn page by page, and read carefully.

When teachers or parents ask questions, I always stare and don't know how to answer, which shows that I read casually, so I want to get rid of this habit in the future.

When I read later, do I want to understand what others express in writing? I know what this book tells, it's over, and it's a little bit like what happened everywhere. I need to know so that I can really learn the knowledge of a book.



Since I go to high school, I have many annoyances.

On the one hand, I am under great pressure on my study, I need to take the exams every month, once I am falling behind other students, I will feel that I am not doing well. I always want to be the best, but things can't go on my way.

On the other hand, I don't want to talk to my parents, if they ask me the questions, I will answer them with few words. I think they won't understand me, so I am not willing to communicate with my parents.

I know I am in the adolescence, my body grows fast, changes happen on me, my emotion is unstable. So I need to learn to adjust myself and get used to these changes. I need to open my heart and have less pressure.





“Growing Pains” seems full of knowledge and experience. So it does because all of us have growing pains and also growing gains in our lives.

Growing up is not a very enjoyable time. It means I have to work hard in studying and in family. There's always so much homework given by teachers and so many arguments between the parents and me. The time is fair, but it seems it gives pains three quarters and only one quarter to gains.

But gains give me power and confidence. Successes and friendship make me happy and enjoyable. We played with snow in the winter that seldom snows, we flew kites in the night that usually belongs to homework, we ate several ice creams that almost made us cold. We picked up leaven that no longer high up!

Although pains are always more than gains, I believe both of them make my life more colorful



My troubles always was coming out one after the other。 Such as too much homework or parents remain homework, there 。

Take last Sunday, for example! After lunch, I went homework, I just finished writing and want to take a break, can my mother found my mother to see me finish the job, it took two papers from the living room so I do。 I is just about Shengelanyao, mother come runnin from the living room, less than three seconds, the mother took the examination paper was placed in front of me。 I saw them, this is not to be alive I'm exhausted it? However, the mother said they can not not do it, I had to bite the bullet and do it。

以上就是大学生的烦恼英语作文的全部内容,如何解决烦恼的英语作文1 My troubles always was coming out one after the other。 Such as too much homework or parents remain homework, there 。Take last Sunday, for example! After lunch。
