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  • 初中作文
  • 2024-03-19

初中英语小作文?初中英语作文(通用20篇) 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。如何写一篇有思想、那么,初中英语小作文?一起来了解一下吧。




AHealthy Life

Manypeople dream to live a healthy life. But sometimes they do not have a fullunderstanding of healthy life. In my mind, a healthy life includes physical andmental health. People need to have a healthy diet and regular exercise to makeour physical more and more healthy. At the same time, people have to rememberthat mental health is also very important. People need to find ways to relaxthemselves and keep a good mood every day. At least do not be depressed for along time. People can have a healthy life only when they keep a good healthbetween physical and mental.




一篇优秀的英语 作文 在内容和语言两方面应是一个统一体,任何一方面的欠缺都会直接影响到作文的质量。这里给大家分享一些关于初一英语作文,供大家参考。


My English Teacher

Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young. She's about thirtyyears old, and she wears glasses. She's funny . But she is strict with us. Shewants us to study hard. Her lessons are interesting. We are very happy in herclass and we all like her lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all likeher.


I get up early at six every day. After doing some morning exercises, I readEnglish for twenty minutes. At seven I have breakfast. After breakfast I take myschoolbag and go to school. Our class begins at eight, and we have four classesin the morning. After lunch at 12 o’clock, I take a short rest in the classroom.We have three more classes in the afternoon. After school at five , I go backhome. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV. Afterdinner, I begin to do my homework. Then I take a shower. I go to bed at ninethirty.


I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old. Her telephonenumber is 87634966. Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English andChiese. She often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening to themusic. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl. Weoften help each other. We are good friends.


According to the WHO,2 million people died from smoking and 600 thousandfrom secondhand smoke every year. So smoking is banned in China in all publicplaces both inside and outside from May 1 on.

As is known to all, smoking is bad for people's health. It may cause manydiseases such as cough, lung cancer and so on. Smoking is especially harmful tous teenagers because our bodies are still growing. Secondhand smoke does harm tous as well. So we must do something to keep away from smoking. If someone offersa cigarette, we should refuse it. And if anyone smokes nearby, we should try tostop it. From now on, everyone of us should follow the law and say no tosmoking.


I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer.My mother ismy first teacher.I know how to type,how to copy a file,and how to visit a website on the internet.One day,mom was not at home. I turned on the computer andbegan to learn how to chat on net.The first one I met there was a boy calledtom. He greeted me politely.When he knew that I was only a 9-year-old girl,andalmost knew nothing about chatting on net,he started showing me how to use thechatting tools,how to download,an.














七年级英语作文 篇1

On Saturday, we went camping, with our teachers. First we pitched the tent. then our older brothers and older sisters played game with us. At noon, we all had a delicious lunch followed by a barbecue for dinner. At night, we had bonfire and sang and danced. We didn’t sleep until 10:20 at night. But some of the boys were so noisy we couldn't fall alseep. I only slept for three hours. the next morning, everybody woke up very early. After exercising in the morning, we all went to see the small pigs. On the way there, we saw a lot of geese. At 10:00, we went back to eat ice cream. It was so cold. then, we all played games together. We ate lunch at 12:00. In the afternoon, we played musical instruments and sang. After that, camp was over. We had a lot of fun at the summer camp. I am looking forward o going to another summer camp soon.



【 #英语资源#导语】作文是中学英语学习的重要内容之一,也是学生综合能力的体现。它与学生的词汇量、语法、句法能力和逻辑思维能力等有密不可分的关系,在高考中占有相当大的比重。而许多学生在此方面丢分甚多,以致影响最后总分,因此提高学生写作能力势在必行。如何提高学生的英语写作能力呢?以下是为大家精心整理的初中生英语作文范文【十篇】,欢迎大家阅读。


On Keeping a Diary in English Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability.

Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in this practice, gradually we'll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties .In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English. As far as I'm concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.

Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills.


There is no doubt that watching television and movies can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD.

Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored. One obvious effect of the these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products. television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and educational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. It may make them become dissatisfied with their own lives.

Finally, perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see on TV or in the movies. With the every-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experience.


Dear Tina,


I'm very happy to hear that you're coming to china next week. I hope to see you soon.



要想切实提高学生的英语写作水平,首先要努力提高学生的词汇掌握量,这也是英语写作的前提和基础。下面是我为大家带来的初三英语 作文 范文,希望你喜欢。


In order to keep fit, some teenagers ignore breakfast, they think the lessthey eat, the fitter they become. It is totally wrong idea, the doctor says inthe newspaper that breakfast is very important for people’s health, in themorning, people need energy, after a night’s sleeping, the stomach is empty. Soif not filling breakfast, people’s body will get weaker. We can eat less food inlunch and dinner, but not in breakfast. It is said that some will get fat ifthey don’t have breakfast, because the diet is not balanced, the body takes inmore than what they need. So in order to keep fit, we should have breakfast.


we got the news before the english class that some foreign teachers from amiddle school in new york would visit our class. we felt excited andnervous.

the bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the classroom. they spoketo us in english one by one. they spoke english clearly and slowly. a womanteacher came to my desk, with a smile on her face. "hello! nice to meet you!"she said friendly. i answered her.

then she asked me some simple questions. we talked with each other for awhile. "your english is very good,"she said. i thanked her and felt very happy.then i decided to study english harder than before.


liu ying is my best friend. she has been iii for three days. in theafternoon, i went to see her. she told me she was sent to the hospital by herparents this morning. the doctor looked her over'carefully, gave her somemedicine and asked her to stay in bed for a few days.

she thought she wouldn't go to school until next week. i asked her to havea good rest at home and not to worry about her lessons. i would help her withher lessons.

she looked much better after hearing that.


Curiosity and creativity are interdependent on each other. Only when one iscurious about something, can he operate his mind and generate somethingcreative. And when creativity is in full operation and results in things whichnever existed before, one gets more and more curious about things happening allaround him. But curiosity and creativity are different in that curiosity is themotivating force which needs action for it to become creativity. If one stops atthe stage of curiosity, he will end up good for nothing.


Smiling is an attitude toward life.In our life,there may be some unpleasantthings.For example,you fail in an exam;or another time,you are misunderstood byyour friends.These unpleasant things may make you feel sad.Then what will youdo?Why not learn to smile?Smiling to yourself can bring back yourconfidence.Sometimes,the greatest enemy is yourself;that’s to say,sometimes,youare beaten by yourself.We should also learn to smile to others.It will help usget closer to others.Smiling is the most widely understood language.












