
  • 一年级作文
  • 2024-01-17

沮丧经历的英语作文?正文:Finally, it was Saturday. A while ago, my mother said that she would take me to shopping mall. I was happy to jump up.终于到了星期六,前阵子妈妈说的要带我去商场买东西,我高兴的要跳起来了。那么,沮丧经历的英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents. That morning, the weather was fine. We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. In the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. No umbrella, feeling tired and hungry. So we will return home.


But this year's children's day, I am not happy, although the teacher make homework a lot less, but the children's day that day, I found no one else was homework, and I will write my homework, to help the family work, to raise the little moth, observing the cocoon, mating, foal. There are a lot of things in chasing me, they ran so fast that I suddenly get caught, buried up, let I can't escape. Mom and dad having to work on this day, the home empty, I feel very lonely. My eyes staring at other friends with hope, I really want to play games with them.


Dear Lihua,

I just recently heard that you was not accepted by your dream school. I hope that you are not too depressed about it. You might have failed to get into your dream school, but it is no big deal. Everyone experiences failures, just that people fail at different points of their lives.

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”

― Truman Capote

If you have never failed before, how could you enjoy your fruit of labour, your success, to the fullest? Failure is temporary, what you gained from it is forever.

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

― Winston Churchill

Please don't give up. Your family, friends, peers will be always there with you. In case you need a shoulder, a hug or just a word of encouragement, I will always be there for you.

Your friend,



Anunhappy day

Today is an unhappy day for me, because I lost my tennis ball test. I chose tennis ball this semester at P.E class. Today we had sport examination. I was the one who test first, because my student ID is in the first row.

I haven’t practiced enough before, as I expected, I was nervous at first. So I failed in the examination and I have to join in re-examination. Most of my classmates have passed. What’s more, some of them got full marks. I was sad with my mark. But it is reasonable, because they spent much time in practicingand they often asked teacher for advice.

Anyway, today is an unhappy day.





Finally, it was Saturday. A while ago, my mother said that she would take me to shopping mall. I was happy to jump up.


Sunny, I happily ready to go out of the clothes, in front of the mirror left twist right look. A rush of the phone rang and thought, "Hello, who is it..." ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour... Mom didn't mean to hang up at all. OK, wait a minute. Don't worry. Mom is busy!


以上就是沮丧经历的英语作文的全部内容,几乎每个人都在他的生活经历失败。当一个人在他在做一些尝试失败,他常常感到沮丧。有些人会屈服于失败而畏缩不前。但也有人将坚持并取得最后的成功。下面给大家分享一些关于失败 英语 作文 初中。
